Quick Fix

Sometimes we get an idea that has easy solutions and no opposition.

A few examples could include:

  • Ideas that have no major political or financial implications.
  • Requests to change the way we present certain information, or to make more information available e.g. website resources
  • A simple request to make a small change to the building e.g. signage
  • A request that doesn’t relate directly to AberSU, but we can raise the issue in relevant committees with the University e.g. changes to commercial services

Below is a list of Quick fix's and what actions we have taken with them. 

To liaise with the University to install more benches around campus


The University should add more benches to campus to make it more accessible and friendly.


When you walk around campus there isn’t an evenly distributed amount of benches. As Aberystwyth is a very hilly campus, it currently doesn’t provide adequate resting areas for disabled/injured students. Another reason to include benches is that they are multi-purposeful and not limited to any one group to enjoy, it would be particularly useful for postgraduate students as they continue their study over the summer. It is an inexpensive solution for the University to make the campus more accessible and enjoyable.

Submitted By : Ren Feldbruegge


Ren (International Volunteer Officer 2023-24) has created a presentation to outline why more benches are needed around campus and where the current ones are. 

See the presentation here. 


Free Hot Water


Students deserve free hot water: Why are we not as modern as other uni's?


Please can you arrange machines/hot water taps, that despense hot water. It is very expensive to buy tea every day in the SU at Starbucks prices. Those who can't afford this, should have access to hot water. Also, this fsacility would enable us to heat pot noodes/instant soups etc, greatly improving the facilities provided by the SU for all students. This is a facility that is provided at most UK and international universities. There is no reason for Aber to be lagging behind...

Submitted By: Yerodin Stewart


Any student can get free hot water from the Starbucks shop from the bar in the Union or in The Underground of the Students Union inside the Community kitchen. 


Should the university check if lecturers take in information from equality training.


Have lecturers tested on their understanding of equality training.


At the moment the university does not require departments to show if their lecturers are up to date on training, nor if they take any of the information in and know it. My idea is for departments to have lecturers fill in some form of questionnaire about the training the recieve, so that they are aware of what is known and what isn't. As it is there are insidences where departments reason away lecturers failing to aid disabled students and they haven't been trained or don't know the information. If it was implemented that lecturers were to prove what they know and don't know so that they got the appropriate training, departments would not be able to excuse discriminatory behaviour.

Submitted By: Robin Searle


Timetable adjustments


Allow us to add our own events to our timetables to help us organise what work we are doing and when.


It would be good if we could add appointments to our timetables. This would allow us to organise revision more effectively, leading to higher productivity.

Submitted By: Joshua Mann


The Academic Affairs Officer has met with the Information Services (IS) Customer Service Manager, to discuss any potential technical barriers preventing timetable adjustments.
It was confirmed at this time that the implementation would be dependent on how efficiently student records and outlook can be synchronised to display timetable changes, as it may be the case that adjustments would only be available from one or the other independently. IS have agreed to investigate these technicalities and report back to the Academic Affairs Officer.

For more information about Quick Fix's please talk to the Student Voice Depatment. You can do this by emailing suvoice@aber.ac.uk