Passed by: Senedd
Passed on: 24/04/2023
Policy lapses: 26/04/2026
Status: Completed
Officer Responsible: Wellbeing Officer
Continue to provide gender affirming products to improve the wellbeing of trans and gender diverse students.
AberSU should provide free gender affirming products to trans and gender diverse students to help improve their wellbeing. Gender affirming products (e.g., binders) are expensive, and during the current cost of living crisis, some students may not be able to afford these often life saving products. Students with gender dysphoria often experience anxiety, low mood and depression, and have trouble socialising and being out in public. By providing these products (binders, boxers, packers, and tucking underwear) trans and gender diverse students can feel more confident, comfortable, and able to do day-to-day activities, thus improving wellbeing.
Submitted by: Cameron Curry
Actions List
Here is the form to access the products
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