This page shows all the sustainability initiatives that AberSU are getting involved in and campaigning on. You can also track our progress against the Green Impact award.
What is Green Impact?
Green Impact is produced by SOS UK (Students Organising for Sustainability) and it is a checklist for Universities and Unions to be doing to be as environmentally friendly they can be. The categories for this are: Knowledge and Understanding, Leadership and Strategy, Partnership and Policy, SU Operations, Campaigning and Influencing, Outreach and collaboration, Self-defined criteria and outcomes. We as Aberystwyth Students Union can then be scored bronze, silver, or gold depending on how much we are able to get done. We have already made some great changes and are planning some amazing things to come.
Why are we doing this?
“After the amazing results of Green Impact last year, I want to build on all the progress the Student union has made, to ensure that we have the same results as last year. The main objective of Green Impact is to develop the Union’s opportunities to be more sustainable. Green impact gives clear guidelines that can be followed and helps direct the Union on the best way to do things and make change. The events and schemes that benefited students last year came from Green Impact and these are going to be continued this year. Green Impact doesn’t only focus on environmental sustainability, but it also focuses on the growth of the union and ways to help students such as substance awareness."
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That's a Rubbish Campaign
Check out our 2023-2024 Campaign
What is Green Week?
Green Week is there to encourage groups to engage with sustainable practicies in ways they may not usually. This follows the outlined UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a way to highlight the wide range of target areas within sustainability. The SDGs provides a shared bluepritn for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

Register Here: Butterfly house Trip
Find out more: Sustainability Challenge and Green Careers
Register Here: Boat Club, Tree Planting Volunteers Sign Up for the Tree Planting Trip
Why are the Sustainable Development Goals are impoartant?
"At its heart are the 17 SDGs, which are an urgent call for action by all coutnries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognise that ending povery and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests." - United Nations (link)

What the Union is doing and how you can get involved?
The Union has been actively working through the Green Impact checklist to make sure our Union, University, and community are as green and environmentally friendly/sustainable as possible. Anyone is able to get involved with Green Impact, providing their expertise on sustainability, passion for campaigning or volunteering for a great course. Have a look through the Green Impact checklist to see what the Union is working on and how you get involved. For more information or if you want to get involved, please email the AberSU President at
Check out the Green Impact checklist here
Check out our SMART targets for this year (2023-2024)
Get Involved
Why not join one of our envionmenal focused student groups?
Want to start an Environmentally Friendly Campaign or want to host an event? Check out our Campaign hub with all the information you need to know:
Or you can email our President at
What are some topics to spark ideas for a campaign you could run? There are so many things you can look into, these are just a couple of ideas.
Fast Fashion
Food Waste
The Ocean
Ethical banking/financing
Green Careers
How to get involved?
If you would like to volunteer for any of these initiatives, either email or look at our volunteer hub on the SU website (under Tim Aber).
Check out our research.
This year to help with Green Impact work, Ash surveyed and spoke to students about their thoughts and feelings about environmental sustainability within the University and Union.
Check out their report here:
If you want to know what the University and Union have to say about sustainability, check out these documents.
University key documents
Environmental Policies, Strategy and Procedures:
Plastic Free:
Environmental Policy statement:
Fairtrade Policy:
Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC):
Waste management and Recycling:
Releases to Atmosphere and Water:
Energy and Water Management:
Transport and Travel:
Sustainable Procurement:
Local Environment and Land Use (Ecology and Biodiversity):
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE):
Sustainability at Aberystwyth University:
Strategic Plan:
Union key documents
An Environemtnally Fridendly Period: Getting rid of the stigma around reusable period products.
Investing and Climate Change: How your money as students could be contributing to climate change.
SOS: Student Sustaimbility Summit.
SMART Targets for Green Impact
Last Year (2022-2023)
Last year (2022-2023) we received the Excellent award for Green Impact – the best award we could receive!
If you would like to read more about our events from last year, check out these articles.
What we did last year (2022-2023)
- Supporting with cost of living and being environmentally friendly.
- That’s a Rubbish Campaign.
- Green week.
- Eco day with Aber Crafts.
What is happening this week?