

This page is dedicated to Undeb Aberystwyth's efforts to becoming anti-racist. We will provide more information on our diversify the curriculum campaign as well as out anti-racism campaigns.

 Undeb Aberystwyth have a commitment to promoting equality and diversity and being inclusive in all areas of our work.


Race Equality Charter 


   As part of my race equality campaign I have been working closely with the university on their Race Equality Charter submission. The Race Equality Charter aims to help universities and research institutes in their work to improve the representation, progression and success of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in higher education. I currently am the co-chair of the student pipeline working group where I am looking at the student population and analysing how diverse our student population is.


    Undeb Aberystwyth is also taking part in Race equality week where we are hosting a variety of events such as anti racism workshops and film screenings. Undeb Aberystwyth Staff will also be taking part in the Race Equality week 5 day challenge, which is a national challenge to help organisations learn how they can best tackle Race equality and equity.

If you would like to be more involved in this work please reach out to

Want to find out more about these campaigns?


Ash Sturrock 

Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator  /

Bayanda Vundamina

Union President