Your Vote Matters

Your vote matters, make sure you don’t lose it!

This section of our website is designed to give you all the information you need to register to vote and as certain elections get closer any additional information such how to find your nearest polling station or key deadlines you should be aware of.

Elections are a decision-making process for the public to decide who will represent them whether as a Police and Crime Commissioner, on the Town or County Council, in the National Assembly or UK Parliament. Everyone who is eligible – and registered to vote – gets to vote for the candidate that represent their local area referred to as a constituency.

The candidates standing for election are usually drawn from political parties, but can also stand as independents – make sure to read the manifesto of each candidate and each party.

Why not check out our Common Myths to Voting and Elections Jargon Buster.



Get your free ID Card for voting Get a free Voter ID provided by NUS and Citizen Card for free (normally £15) 

          - Use Code: NUS

Student Voters.Vote in your student town or postal vote? Find out your options here!

How do I register to vote?


The easiest and quickest way is to register to vote online by visiting…


How do I check if I’m registered to vote?


Every local authority holds the electoral register for their own area. There is no online electoral roll.

To check if you are registered to vote, you will need to contact your local registration office.