
Emily (Mo) Morgan (she/her) - Wellbeing

“Mo is the voice for student wellbeing and liberation”

Their role focuses on making sure our students are as happy and healthy as possible.

E-mail: suwellbeing@aber.ac.uk

About the Role:


The Wellbeing Officer is responsible for:

  • Representing the student body on matters relating to wellbeing, including student support, welfare, equality and diversity.
  • Co-ordinating activity and campaigns relating to student wellbeing.
  • Informing policy within the University and Students’ Union on matters relating to student wellbeing.
  • Supporting and developing a network of students on wellbeing matters by chairing the Wellbeing Zone.
  • Working with the Chief Executive, Officers and AberSU’s senior management team to achieve and shape strategic aims and outcomes.
  • Attending appropriate University Committees.
  • Attending regular meetings with relevant University departments to further the development of student wellbeing.


University Committees/Meetings Attended:


  • Student Experience Committee
  • Accessible Aber
  • Equality Champions
  • Peer Guide Network Meeting
  • Department Disability Coordinators Meeting
  • Drug and Alcohol Strategy Group Meeting
  • Trans Implementation Policy Group
  • Attendance Monitoring Group
  • Plastic Free Aberystwyth University Meeting



Current Priorities:

Below you can find a list of priorities Mo is working on this year as well as their current progress on them.

Provide gender affirming services in the SU for trans and gender non-conforming students:

  • Establish a gender affirmation fund, used for cosmetic purposes and subsidising cost of passport and license changes.
  •  Continue work on the Beyond the Binary project by ensuring there are products available for students to access.
  • Provide support and community through events such as Trans and LGBTQIA+ Meet and Greets, Support Circles and Transitioning Talks Promotion of the Transgender Network

Improve Student Wellbeing Services on campus:

  • Work with Student Services on implementing Suicide Prevention action plans and re-writing or reviewing policy relevant to student safety and wellbeing.
  • Run a Wellbeing Week * Consistent wellness sessions held in the Students Union to provide outlets that aren’t just focused on supporting a student, so they perform well academically.
  • Promote active listening and work on providing mental health first aid for students. Work on across campus communication.

Preventing S/H, S/A and Spiking and supporting survivors:

  • Anti-spiking kits for behind bar and distributed at relevant Meet and Greets.
  • Run consent training session for committee membersPaste (Presidents, Wellbeing and Social Secretaries)

AberSU should continue to support trans and gender diverse students by providing gender affirming products. *


We should host an annual SHAG Week. *


University and SU to take a stand in supporting Pro-Reproductive Rights Universally. *


Stopping spiking and supporting survivors. *


Sex work is just that - work. *




*denotes policy as passed democratically by Aberystwyth students. Find out more here.