Academic Affairs

Will Parker (Any Pronouns) - Academic Affairs

“Will is the student voice for all things academic”

His role focuses on promoting our students’ academic interests.


About the Role:


The Academic Affairs Officer is responsible for:

  • Representing the student body on matters relating to academic affairs, including international and postgraduate students, and widening participation.
  • Co-ordinating activity and campaigns relating to academic affairs.
  • Informing policy within the University and Students’ Union on matters relating to academic affairs.
  • Supporting and developing a network of academic representatives by chairing the Academic Forum.
  • Working with the Chief Executive, Officers and Undeb Aberystwyth’s senior management team to achieve and shape strategic aims and outcomes.
  • Attending appropriate University Committees.
  • Attending regular meetings with relevant University departments to further the development of academic interests.


University Committees/Meetings Attended:


  • Academic Board
  • Academic Enhancement Committee
  • ADLT and Registry Staff Meeting
  • AI Working Group
  • Collaborative Provision Board
  • Portfolio Planning Committee
  • Research & Innovation Committee
  • Research Degrees Committee
  • Senate
  • Space Management Group
  • Student Casework Steering Group
  • Student Voice Working Group
  • Timetabling Steering Group
  • Welsh Integrity and Assessment Network [external to Aberystwyth University]


Current Priorities:

Below you can find a list of priorities Will is working on this year as well as her current progress on them.

To create an inclusive and supportive environment for neurodivergent students

To ensure Student Voice in the University’s response to the Artificial Intelligence in learning, teaching and assessments?.





Introduce a No Confidence Vote for Academic Representatives and Sports and Society Committee members. *



*denotes policy as passed democratically by Aberystwyth students. Find out more here.