‘Aber Challenge’ is the event you don’t want to miss!
Over one jampacked weekend, there is something for EVERYONE! Get some mates together (from your course, your accommodation, your sports club, your society - or come along to make new ones!) and be prepared for a lot of fun and good friendly competition. Then, to top it all off, a pizza party! What are you waiting for?!
So, will you take on the challenge?
Book the weekend off, grab a few mates and join us on an amazing adventure full of new discoveries!

Key Information
When: 15 - 16 November 2024 | Where: Aber | Teams: 3-6 people
Cost: Early Bird £12 per person // Standard £15 per person
Registration*: Team entry for the 2024 event has now closed
Events: There are 7 events in total taking place in succession throughout the 2 days, including: Tower Construction, Quiz, Party Games, Jenga, Beer Pong, Pool and the Mystery Event
Drop/Joker: Each team will be required to ‘Joker’ one event (double their points) and ‘Drop’ one event (no points awarded). Teams cannot drop the 'Mystery Event'
Scoring: Points are awarded to teams according to what position they finish in each event
* When registering, you will need the following details at the ready: Team Name, Captain Details (Name, E-mail, Mobile), Competitor Details (Name, Student No., Aber E-mail) and Joker / Drop Events. Please note that once registered, you will not be able to change your Team Name or Joker / Drop Events.
For further information about the event, please contact the Opportunities team on: susocieties@aber.ac.uk
🍕 After Event 🥳
Pizza Party and Results Night!
This is our way of celebrating a great weekend, we will be hosting an after event in the SU for all of those invovled.
We require lots of helpers for this event to ensure it's smooth running, so if you are not taking part in Aber Challenge but would like to lend a helping hand, please contact your Student Opportunities Officer: suopportunities@aber.ac.uk