AberSU Celebrates is a week each year where we celebrate the successes and achievements of our students and staff here at Aberystwyth University.

(Scroll down to find the result videos)
There are three celebration events during the week:
Societies Awards
Which recognises the contribution of societies and individual students in enhancing the Aber University experience.
Date: Tuesday 28th April
Key links:
2020 Winners
- Academic/Course Based Society of the Year: Law Society (Article)
- Administrative Excellence Award: Nathalia Kinsley
- Best New Society: Eco Education (Article)
- Biggest Contribution Charity Society: Tickled Pink (Article)
- Biggest Contribution Non-Charity Society: Geography (Article)
- Most Improved Society of the Year: Aber Dogs (Article)
- Societies Personality of the Year: Iain Place
- Society of the Year: Bee Conservation (Article)
- Society Person of the Year: James Watson
- Sustainability Award (Cultural/Social, Environmental and Economic): Eco Education (Article)
- Welsh Culture Award: Aberystwyth Conservation Volunteers (Article)
- Colours: Aaron Daniels, Frankie Targett, Iain Place, Kaja Brown, Katie Payne, Meg Bennet, Molly Walsh, Stephen Kingdon, Zak Wilce, Sophie Wyld, Charlotte Cooper, Catrin Stephens, Michael Davey, Altaea Fradley, Mark Marshall, Lauren Pickens, Stefani Dimitrova, Joe Kirkwood, Sophie Grave, Katy McCook, James Watson, Jazzy Dale-Goslin, Bethani-Lee Dalziel
Sports Awards
Which recognise the dedication of students to their Sports Club recognising contributions socially, competitively and professionally.
Date: Wednesday 29th April
Key links:
2020 Winners
- Sports Person of the Year: Mathew Jones
- Sports Personality of the Year: Malcolm Herbert
- Gwyn Evans Trophy: Amy Louise Mason
- Mary Anne Trophy: James Vickery
- Club of the Year: Men's Hockey (Article)
- Most Improved Club of the Year: Swimming & Waterpolo (Article)
- BUCS Team of the Year: Women's Rugby (Article)
- Non-BUCS Team of the Year: Handball (Article)
- Biggest Contribution (RAG): Men's Football (Article)
- Welsh Language Award: Netball (Article)
- Colours: Amy Louise Mason, Andrew Hughes, Cuan Higgenbotham, Esther Asukile, Evan Fuller, Kate Baldock, Katie May Andrews, Kieran Bibby, Lara Wallace, Laura Robinson, Luke Archer, Maisie Truman, Malcolm Herbert, Marcus Perry, Molly Rowell, Morgan Brownlow, Pedro Davis, Pheobe Nicoll, Rhys Richards, Robert Thompson, Sally Kilgour, Sam Preece, Sian Partington, Thomas Lancaster, Yasmin Marshall
Staff and Students Awards
Which support best practice by highlighting teaching excellence and recognising the contributions of staff and students to the student experience.
Date: Thursday 30th April
Key links:
Remember all of our awards are nominated, decided and presented by students!
As well as this, we will be celebrating our successes as an Aber family from across the year on website, social media and across campuses.