Faculty Officers

What are Faculty Officers?

Faculty Officers are students who have been elected by fellow students from within their faculty to feedback the views of those they represent to their faculty, the University, and Undeb Aberystwyth.

They work with the Academic Affairs Officer in representing students by sitting alongside them on various committees and attending the Academic Forum. They meet regularly with Academic Reps and their faculty leadership to raise and respond to student feedback.

What are faculties and which are you part of?


All of the academic departments at Aberystwyth University fall under one of three faculties ...

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Department of English & Creative Writing
  • Department of History & Welsh History
  • Department of International Politics
  • Department of Law & Criminology
  • Department of Modern Languages
  • Department of Theatre Film & Telivison Studies
  • Department of Welsh & Celtic Studies
  • School of Art
  • School of Education

Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences

  • Aberystwyth Business School
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Department of Information Studies
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Physics

Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences

  • Department of Geography & Earth Sciences
  • Department of Life Science
  • Department of Psychology


Who are your Faculty Officers?

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (UG) - VACANT   Faculty of Business and Physical Sciences (UG) - ZOE HAYNE (she/her)  
sufass@aber.ac.uk   su-fbps@aber.ac.uk   su-fels@aber.ac.uk


Where a PG or UG position is missing and you want to provide feedback, please email your...


Academic Representation Coordinator

About the role...

Why should I become a Faculty Officer? 


We believe that the student voice matters and work to ensure students views, needs and concerns shape your Department, University and Students’ Union. By becoming a Faculty Officer, you will have been elected by fellow students and therefore who better to represent their views?

You’ll develop new and existing skills, enhance your employability and join a network of like-minded students involved with the Students’ Union. As well as receiving a certificate upon completion, you will have the chance to be nominated for an award at our end of year awards.


How can I become an Faculty Officer?


Elections for our Faculty Officers happen at certain key points of the academic year...

Spring Elections: this is the initial election opportunity to become an Faculty Officer alongside the election for our Full-Time and Volunteer Officer roles.

Autumn Elections: is for any vacant roles from the Spring Election/By-Election.

Dates for these elections can be found here. Outside of these periods please contact our elections team on union.elections@aber.ac.uk to find out how you can get involved.


What training and support is provided?


All Faculty Officers are invited to attend training alongside other Volunteer Officers. Those unable to attend or elected at a later date will be invited to attend an alternative session. This training expands upon what the role is and provides you with a solid foundation to get started in your role.

As well as training, you’ll receive dedicated support from both the Academic Affairs Officer and Academic Representation Coordinator, meeting monthly during term time to discuss feedback, listen to any concerns and provide ongoing support should you need it. Similar to Academic Reps, will regularly contact you with relevant updates, information, and opportunities relating to your role – this will include the chance to attend regional and national conferences to meet reps from other institutions.

The Academic Affairs Officer and Academic Representation Coordinator are also on hand throughout the year to organise regular catch-ups, networking opportunities, additional training opportunities, and provide ongoing support should you need it.