Mental Health

Being a student is often described as an almost identical and simplified shared experience when the truth is far more complicated. The experience of university can often be stressful and overwhelming with constant new challenges making it even more important to seek help when problems arise.

It’s widely recognised that one in four of us will struggle with our mental health at some point in our lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health problem you’re not alone and there are steps you can take to help, even if this is initially simply talking to someone you trust.

Crisis Support

Incidents in which urgent support might be needed typically involve an imminent danger to your own or others safety. It’s important in such situations to get professional help quickly.

If you or someone you know require urgent support, you can:

  • Call 999 to speak to the appropriate Emergency Service and then also inform Site Security by calling 01970 622649.

Examples of such situations might include suicidal intention, missing persons, possessing a weapon, threat of harm, physical injury, death of a student or terrorism.

Alternative, you can:

  • Visit the nearest Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department located at Bronglais Hospital in Aberystwyth.
  • Contact your/their GP or Out of Hours service. If you’re unsure telephone your GP practice where you will be redirected accordingly.
  • Call 111 to speak to NHS 111 Wales or visit their website at
  • Call the Samaritans free on 08457 90 90 90 or visit their website at
  • Call the Papyrus Hopeline free on 0800 068 41 41. You can also email them at or visit their website at
  • Text SHOUT to 85258. You can also visit their website at

Accessing Support

It’s important to recognise that not all Mental Health issues will necessarily appear as or result in crisis. Mental health problems can develop in many ways with depression and anxiety the most common in the UK.

Whilst everyone feels sad or worried from time to time, your feelings are becoming so strong they are affecting day to day life then it is important to seek help sooner rather than later. Thankfully there is now more than ever before numerous services and charities from which you can access support.


Student Wellbeing Service

The Wellbeing Service’s qualified practitioners will help guide students to find a solution to wellbeing issues whether buy building resilience and develop skills or signposting to other support services. Anyone with concerns about themselves or another student can contact the service.

The services asks student’s to complete a secure online registration form that enable them to gain more information about the concerns after which a practitioner will invite the student to make an appointment or email support options.

For more information about the service visit, email or call 01970 621761/622087.


Your GP

You can contact your GP to discuss any concerns you have about your mental health and how you are feeling. Your GP can offer self-help information, prescribe medication, refer you to counselling or for specialist mental health support where necessary.

Many find it difficult to explain how they are feeling in a short and often time limited appointment, consider making some notes of what you want to discuss beforehand.



Togetherall is a free 24/7 online website offering anonymised peer-to-peer chats moderated by trained practitioners on a range of mental health and wellbeing issues.

Along with the ability to chat with peers there is an ability to complete assessments for a range of issues (e.g. anxiety and depression) as well as learn new knowledge skills on several topics through various online self-help courses.

To access support visit and if visiting for the first time click ‘Register’ in the top right and select “I’m from a university or college” where you’re able to submit your Aberystwyth email and create an account.


Student Space

Student Space run by Student Minds to help students through the pandemic is a free text, phone webchat and email service available to students 4pm-11pm daily. They provide a range of trusted information, services, and tools to help with the challenges of student life.

The support provided is safe, confidential and develop with students and experts in student wellbeing and mental health.

To access support visit, text STUDENT to 85258, email or call 0808 189 5260.



Nightline is a student-run listening service and information service run by trained volunteers on behalf of all students at Aberystwyth University. The service operates on five principles: confidentiality, anonymity, non-judgemental non directional and non-advisory.

To access support visit or email


The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary is an out of hours service that provides practical and therapeutic, holistic, person-centred support to people at risk of mental health crisis.

The Sanctuary is open every Thursday-Sunday, from 17:00-02:00, and is open to self-referrals on 01970 629897. 

Self-help Resources / Practitioner Presentations

Self-help is an increasingly popular way of managing wellbeing concerns, often using resources developed using evidence to manage and overcome difficulties without professional support. Such resources are often recommended as a first step to tackling mental health and wellbeing concerns.

The Wellbeing Service have developed a range of Panopto Presentations that offer skills and strategies in managing a number of common university-related challenges.

Student Wellbeing Service Resources

  • ACTivate your Life course – This free course is designed to help those taking part to talk practical action to deal with thoughts and feelings that may be causing distress.
  • Video Guides – These presentations, developed and delivered by qualified practitioners offer skills and strategies in dealing several challenges students face during their time at university.
    • Video Guide Topics - Managing Transitions, Procrastination and Avoidance, Managing Academic Workload, Sleep, Managing Presentation Anxiety, Lifestyle and Diet and Body Mass Index.

Students’ Union Advice Service Resources

  • Wellbeing Training – The Union collaborates with a variety of charities and organisations to host and deliver a range of workshops designed to support student wellbeing on campus.
    • Wellbeing Training Topics - Emotional Resilience Skills, How to improve and protect your mental health, Suicide Prevention, Peer Support – Compassionate Listening (Samaritans), Community Sighted Guide Training (Guide Dogs Cymru) and Consent Training (Brook).

How to improve and protect your mental health training

We have organised for Two Roads Charity to provide 3 FREE "How to improve and protect your mental health" training sessions early this semester. These sessions are an incredibly rare opportunity to have for free and will give you vital skills to support your mental health not just at University but also throughout your life. 

These 3 hours sessions are split into 3 sections, Understanding mental health, Mentally healthy practices to introduce into your life, Emotional resilience. 

Emotional resilience skills training

These sessions are delivered by Undeb Aber staff and are also for free. This training explores what resilience is, why it is important and gives all participants the skills to build and improve their emotional resilience. 

We'd also recommend every student to sign up for one of these sessions in the next few weeks as it will help you improve your own emotional resilience as well as give you tools and knowledge to help others around you.

To check out the dates and sign up for any of these sessions or check out future training opportunities check our events page.

Talking to someone about their Mental Health

Talking to someone is often the first step to take when you know they are going through a difficult time although many struggle to know how to approach such conversations. It is important to try not to overthink conversations and that only by speaking to someone about their mental health can you find out what is troubling them and what you can do to help.

Below are eight tips for talking about mental health:

  • Set time aside with no distractions – it is important to provide an open and non-judgemental space with no distractions.
  • Let them share as much or as little as they want to – let them lead the discussion at their own pace without pressure on them to tell you anything they aren’t ready to talk about.
  • Don’t try to diagnose or second guess their feelings – Remember that you probably aren’t a counsellor, try not to make assumptions about what is wrong or jump in too quickly.
  • Keep questions open ended – Consider how you phrase questions and try to keep your language neutral while remembering to give the person time to answer.
  • Talk about wellbeing – Talk about de-stressing or practicing self-care and ask if they find anything helpful. Exercising, healthy eating and a good night’s sleep can all help wellbeing.
  • Listen carefully to what they tell you – Repeat what they have said back to them to ensure you have understood it, show understanding, and respect their feelings.
  • Signpost them to support and how to access this – You might want to offer to go with them or access help. Try not to take control and allow them to make decisions.
  • Know your limits – Ask for help or signpost if the problem is serious, if you believe they are imminent danger check out the ‘Crisis Support’ section above.

External Support

In addition to the support referenced above there are a range of charities and organisations that provide advice, information and support to individuals who are experiencing mental health problems.

  • Anxiety UK ( – a national charity supporting individuals affected by anxiety, stress, anxiety-based depression or a phobia.
  • Bipolar UK ( – a national charity supporting individuals affected by bipolar.
  • Mind Cymru ( – the Welsh branch of the national charity which provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
  • No Panic ( – a national charity supporting individuals suffering from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders and other related anxiety disorders.
  • Papyrus ( – a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide specifically those under 35 in the UK.
  • Student Minds ( –  a student mental health charity.
  • Headspace ( – an app and website which supports individuals with guided meditations and mindfulness using animations, articles and videos.
  • The Sanctuary ( - an out of hours service that provides practical and therapeutic, holistic, person-centred support to people at risk of mental health crisis.

What can the Undeb Aber Advice Service do to help?

The Undeb Aber Advice Service is independent from the University and provides a free, confidential, and impartial service to all Aberystwyth University students. 

The Advice Service can assist you in a range of ways, including:

  • Advice on how to report Special Circumstances to the University.
  • Advice on how to submit an Academic Appeal if you have missed the Special Circumstances deadline, or your circumstances have been refused.
  • Advice you on how to temporarily withdrawal and what you need to think about when deciding to do so.
  • Help signpost you to other support services.

Contact an Advisor

Useful links

First Produced: November 2020

Reviewed: August 2024