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Nightline is a free, non-judgemental and confidential listening service run by students, for students. We are open on Wednesday's and Saturdays 8pm to 12am during term time.


About Us

We are a volunteering project run by students of Aber for the students of Aber, we listen to student's who phone, instant message or email us about concerns or things they just need to get of their chest.

We are a nonjudgement, non-advisory service, we are just hear to listen to you if you need us. As a student run project we are always looking for new students no matter the course you do to join us!! So if your looking for a volunteering project why not give us a go! 

The 1st Nightline was opened in 1970, at the University of Essex and has since grown to over 30 active Nightlines across UK universities providing listening services to 1,500,000 students. In 2006 the Nightline Association was established as a umbrella charity to support, promote and develop university Nightline Services. 


If you want to get involved with volunteering email us at, we run a training session once per term, which is a requirement if you want to join us. Joining Aber nightline means you will be anonymous volunteer until after you leave Aber or if you are a committee member, but dont worry you can still log volunteer hours with the SU to get awards!!

Inclusivity statement 

Aber Nightline is dedicated to the inclusion and acceptance of all students and volunteers of the university regardless of age, race, ethinicity, ability, culture or natioanlity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religious afflication, socioeconomic status, and marital status. We strive to accept all with kindness and respect and take training our volunteers to be respectful seriously. 

Follow us on Instagram!

And here’s our Facebook: Aberystwyth Nightline - Home | Facebook

And this is our website.

Importent Documents

As part of the Aberystwyth University Student Union, we are dedicated to providing all students with an inclusive, friendly and welcoming services. The documents below are up to date to the best of our knowledge and are in compliant with Nightline association and Aber SU

Core Documents 



Nightline-general-risk-assessment 2024-25.docx


Amdanom ni
Rydym yn brosiect gwirfoddoli sy'n cael ei redeg gan fyfyrwyr Aber ar gyfer myfyrwyr Aber, rydym yn gwrando ar fyfyrwyr sy'n ffonio, neges ar unwaith neu'n anfon e-bost atom am bryderon neu bethau y mae angen iddynt eu cael o'u brest. Rydym yn wasanaeth nad ydym yn ei farnu, nad yw'n ymgynghorol, rydym ond yn clywed i wrando arnoch os bydd ein hangen arnoch. Fel prosiect sy'n cael ei redeg gan fyfyrwyr, rydym bob amser yn chwilio am fyfyrwyr newydd, waeth beth fo'r cwrs rydych chi'n ei wneud i ymuno â ni!! Felly os ydych yn chwilio am brosiect gwirfoddoli, beth am roi cynnig arni! 

Agorwyd y Llinell Nos 1af ym 1970, ym Mhrifysgol Essex ac mae wedi tyfu i dros 30 o linellau nos egnïol ar draws prifysgolion y DU sy'n darparu gwasanaethau gwrando ar 1,500,000 o fyfyrwyr. Yn 2006 sefydlwyd y Gymdeithas Llinell Nos fel elusen ymbarél i gefnogi, hyrwyddo a datblygu Gwasanaethau Llinell Nos prifysgol.


Os ydych chi am gymryd rhan mewn gwirfoddoli anfonwch e-bost atom yn, rydym yn cynnal sesiwn hyfforddi unwaith y tymor, sy'n ofyniad os ydych chi am ymuno â ni. Mae ymuno â llinell nos Aber yn golygu y byddwch yn gwirfoddoli dienw tan ar ôl i chi adael Aber neu os ydych yn aelod o'r pwyllgor, ond peidiwch â phoeni gallwch ddal i gofnodwch oriau gwirfoddoli gyda'r Undeb i gael gwobrau!!

Datganiad cynhwysedd 
Mae Aber Nightline yn ymroddedig i gynnwys a derbyn holl fyfyrwyr a gwirfoddolwyr y brifysgol waeth beth fo'u hoedran, hil, ethnigrwydd, gallu, diwylliant neu natioanlity, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, hunaniaeth ryfedd a mynegiant, cystudd crefyddol, statws economaidd-gymdeithasol, a statws priodasol. Rydym yn ymdrechu i dderbyn pawb gyda charedigrwydd a pharch ac yn cymryd hyfforddiant ein gwirfoddolwyr i fod yn barchus o ddifrif.

Dogfennau Mewnforiwr
Fel rhan o Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Aberystwyth, rydym yn ymroddedig i ddarparu gwasanaethau cynhwysol, cyfeillgar a chroesawgar i bob myfyriwr. Mae'r dogfennau isod wedi'u diweddaru hyd eithaf ein gwybodaeth ac maent yn cydymffurfio â chymdeithas Nightline ac Undeb Myfyrwyr Aber

Dogfennau Craidd 



Nightline-general-risk-assessment 2024-25.docx


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