Aber Crafts





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Welcome to the Aber Crafts webpage! We are an inclusive group providing a safe space to participate in all sorts of arts and crafts. We hope to see you at one of our socials!


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Welcome to Aber crafts!

Who we are: We are aber crafts, a friendly and inclusive society that aims to provide a creative space for people to participate in a range of crafting activities. We were founded in 2022 and had a very fun and successful year; winning “Best New society” and the “sustainability award”! We hope to continue this success in the year to come! Aber crafts welcomes all members regardless of race, religion, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, or marital status.

Three images are shown. The first of which shows a group of our members in a garden. This was taken after our end of year meal at Newman's garden centre. Image two shows a room of people, some groups are talking, a couple of people are drawing, others are crocheting and someone is on their phone. The third image shows a group of people colouring around a table. 

What’s included in your membership? For only five pounds you get access to all society materials, which includes a lot of yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, paint and brushes, glue guns and much more! You also gain access to weekly casual craft sessions, where you can bring your projects to work on and use our materials. As well as this, we run evening socials, like film nights, and have several exciting workshops planned, where instructions and materials are all provided.

Take a look at some of our favourite 2022-2023 events!

This section shows a series of images from past events: the frog making workshops, bookbinding lessons, a jewellery making session, a painted holiday decoration workshop, an embroidery session and a beginners crochet lesson.

Three more images are shown. There are 2 people sat on a sofa crocheting, a room full of people doing a variety of crafts, and 3 people sitting at a table crafting, with one person looking over at what they’re doing.

Meet the committee! Poppy is the president, they study Military history, use they/he pronouns and there favourite craft is knitting. Elijah is the vice president, he studies Psychology, uses he/they pronouns and his favourite craft is listed as “too many crafts, not enough time”. Birte is the Treasurer, who studies psychology, uses she/her pronouns, and her favourite craft is stained glass art. Twig is the secretary, they study psychology, uses he/they pronouns and his favourite craft is crochet. Khaos is the Welsh officer, studies drama, uses he/they pronouns and his favourite craft is latch hooking.

What we’ve been crafting! This section shows images of what members have been making, these being a wire wrapped necklace, a crocheted fox wearing dungarees, floral ceramic jewellery, a crocheted mushroom hat, an iron man helmet, a blue old-fashioned jacket and shirt combo, a guy holding an origami moth, a knitted penis with googly eyes and a green knitted baby hoodie.

Society Affiliation Documents for 2023/24:

- Risk Assessment
- Code of Conduct
- Constitution
- Equipment List

No current events
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