Aber Crafts





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Welcome to the Aber Crafts webpage! We are an inclusive group providing a safe space to participate in all sorts of arts and crafts. We hope to see you at one of our events!


Descriptive text for screen readers:

Welcome to Aber crafts!

Who are we?

We are Aber Crafts, a friendly and inclusive society that aims to provide a creative space for people to participate in a range of crafting activities.We were founded in 2022 and we focus on being: sustainable, accessible and doing a diverse range of crafts. Aber Crafts welcomes all members regardless of race, religion, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, or marital status. We hope to see you at one of our events!


There is no joining membership fee for AberCrafts. However, the individual workshops that we will do every three weeks will include a sign-up cost due to the cost of materials and creating the kits for you to enjoy. The kits will cost around £2 - £3 but will not exceed £5, as we will try to keep the cost as low as possible.

Meet the Committee:


Name: Birte
Pronouns: She/Her
Favourite craft: Stain Glass art
Interesting fact: I’m more of a ‘Jack of all Trades Master of None’ with crafts!


Name: Twig
Pronouns: They/He
Favourite craft: Crochet
Interesting fact:I really enjoy learning about historical fashion and watching videos dissecting the historical accuracy of costuming in media


Name: Elise
Pronouns: She/Her
Favourite craft: Embroidery
Interesting fact: I love reading, and one of my life goals is building an at-home library!

Welsh Officer

Name: Khaos
Pronouns: They/He
Favourite craft: Latch Hooking
Interesting fact: I have listened to many fantasy/horror podcasts

Contact us on:

SU Webpage: Aber Crafts

Instagram: @aber_crafts_society

Discord: Aber Crafts


Croeso i Aber Crafts!

Pwy ydyn ni?

Rydyn ni’n Aber Crafts, cymdeithas sy’n gyfeillgar a cynhwysol sy’n aneli (am/i) darparu gwagle diogel am bobl i gymryd rhan yn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau.Ro’n ni’n ein sefydlu yn 2022 ac rydyn ni’n bwrio am fod yn: cynaliadwy, hygyrchedd ac yn wneud llawer o grefftau gwahanol. Mae Aber Crafts yn groesawi pob aelod er hynny eu rhyw, hiliaeth, crefydd, hoffter rhywiol, anabledd, oed, eich gallu neu eich statws priodol. Gobeithio i weld chi at un o’r ein digwyddiadau!


Does **dim ffi cofrestru am aelodaeth** ar gyfer Aber Crafts. Ond fydd yna weithdai unigol rydyn yn mynd i wneud pob tair wythnos syn yn cynnwys ffi cofrestru am y gost y defnyddiau ac i greu'r citiau i chi i fwynhau. Fydd y citiau yn costio tua **£2 i £3** ond byth yn mynd ar dros £5, oherwydd fo ni’n trio cadw'r gost i chi i lawr.

Cwrdd â’r Pwyllgor

Enw: Birte
Ragenwau: She/Her
Hoff Grefft: Celf Staen Gwydr
Faith Diddorol: Dwi’n fwy o jac o bob crefft na meistr o un

Enw: Twig
Ragenwau: He/They
Hoff Grefft: Crosio
Faith Diddorol: Dwi'n hoffi dysgu am fasiwn hanesiol a gwylio fideos  dadansoddi'r cywirdeb gwisgoedd hanesiol yn gyfryngau

Enw: Elise
Ragenwau: She/Her
Hoff Grefft: Brodwaith
Faith Diddorol: Dwi’n caru darllen, mae fy ngôl fy mywyd yw adeiladu llyfrgell yn fy nhŷ

Swyddog Cymraeg
Enw: Chaos
Ragenwau: They/He
Hoff Grefft: Clicied Bachau
Faith Diddorol: Dwi wedi gwrando ar lawer o podcasts ffantasi/arswyd

Cysylltwch â ni ar:

SU Webpage: Aber Crafts

Instagram: @aber_crafts_society

Discord: Aber Crafts

Society Affiliation Documents for 2024/25:

- Risk Assessment
- Code of Conduct
- Constitution
- Equipment List

Tue 22nd October

Casual Craft - Movie Night
6pm - 8pm
SU Room 4
Come and join us with watching a movie and casual crafting: bring something to do while a movie runs in the background! Join our discord or Instagram to vote on the movie!
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