Tiff's 23 - 24 Round-up

A summary of my year? How on earth do I fit everything that has happened into less than 500 words? So, instead imagine this to the sound of ‘We didn’t start the fire.’


Summer training, lead & change, meeting sabbs, new friends.

Starting campaigns and meeting staff, big uni meetings

Bring back RAG weeks, fix the boathouse, we want better sports provision,

Better Faith space, Artsfest Socsfest, Strength conditioning,

Fresher’s fair, TIFF TRIES, Instagram, monthly forms

SHAG week, boathouse clearout, Aberchallenge MVP

Refresher’s week, Pride month, Race equality week

Women’s History, Charioke, Code of conduct changes

We kicked off with Superteams,

Then came Varsity, you re-elected me

Back to Empower Aber, 

We hosted NUS and our quiz was the best,

Aber 7’s, Celebrates, a vote of no confidence

Trans inclusion, in uni sport, See you next year.