Big Sale! Day 1

We have a whole range of second-hand homeware and kitchen ware for YOU! Our A-team will be there to help, so come along and find yourself a bargain!

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Aberystwyth Parkrun
14th September
Plascrug Avenue
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Parkrun Aberystwyth
14th September
Plascrug Avenue
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Gwyl y Castell (The Castle Festival) ft. Bwncath
14th September
Aberystwyth castle
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Gwyl y Castell ft. Bwncath
14th September
Castell Aberystwyth
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Sefyll yn Agor
18th September - 10th October
Cwis y Swyddogion
20th September
Undeb Aberystwyth
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Cwis y Swyddogion - Officers' Quiz
20th September
Undeb Aberystwyth, Campus
Aberystwyth Parkrun
21st September
Plascrug Avenue
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Parkrun Aberystwyth
21st September
Plascrug Avenue
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Aberystwyth Farmers Market
21st September
Old Bus Depot
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