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We are AberAnime! If you like to watch Anime from Japan, or want to just try something new, then this is the place to be! We cater to all tastes and genres.


Aber Anime is a laid-back society for people with an interest in Japanese media. During term time we meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. to watch anime before going down to town for our social. As a society, we come together on Tuesdays to watch three shows over the semester, and on Thursdays, we have themed nights or watch a film.

Over the holidays and when meeting in person isn’t possible we host events on our discord server such as screenings, Jackbox party games, and Anime Music Quiz. These nights are a great opportunity to meet members and join in with the society whilst we’re not on campus.

During the year, we also host a variety of events such as bonfires, cosplay nights, and karaoke as well as going to conventions across the country.

We look forward to seeing you!

Mae Aber Anime yn cymdeithas hamddenol i bobol gyda diddordeb mewn cyfryngau Japaneaidd. Yn ystod y tymor rydym yn cyfarfod pob dydd Mawrth a dydd Iau am 6yp i wylio anime cyn mynd lawr i’r dref. Fel cymdeithas, rydym yn dod at ein gilydd pob dydd Mawrth i wylio tair cyfres gwahanol trwy’r tymor ac pob dydd Iau rydym yn cael noson thema neu gwylio film.

Dros y gwyliau ac pan nad yw cyfarfodydd mewn person yn bosib rydym yn cynnal digwyddiadau ar ein Discord fel dangosiadau, gemau parti Jackbox ac Cwis Cerddoriaeth Anime. Mae’r nosweithiau yma yn gyfle da i cwrdd a aelodau ac i cymryd rhan gyda’r cymdeithas tra nad ydym ar campws.

Trwy’r flwyddyn, rydym yn cynnal digwyddiadau o pob math fel coelcerthi, nosweithiau cosplay ac carioci yn ogystal a mynd i confensiynau dros y wlad.

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld!

Our committee


Rhys Miskell


Thomas Alderson


Finlay Tait

Vice President

Harry Fisher

Social Secretary

William Carr


More info

Our Code of Conduct

Our Constitution

Our Risk Assessment and our Covid Risk Assessment

As a friendly and inclusive society, AniSoc always welcomes the involvement of our members regardless of their identity and ability, in everything we do. We want to make our society a welcoming place where all are accepted.

This society does not have any equipment.

No current events
There are no current news articles.