Product Details

Suicide Prevention Skills for University Students

Ref: P10015240

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*** English Below***

2pm-5pm Dydd Mercher 3ydd  Ebrill

Ystafell Gyfarfod 1, Adeilad Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Nid yw tri chwarter yr holl bobl sy'n cyflawni hunanladdiad mewn cysylltiad â gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl na chymorth yn ystod y flwyddyn sy'n arwain at eu marwolaeth. Mae yna lawer o rwystrau sy’n atal pobl rhag gofyn am help - gan gynnwys ofn cael eu gwrthod, diffyg gwybodaeth am sut i gael gafael ar gymorth priodol, ofnau ynglyn â’r canlyniadau o ran perthnasoedd personol a'r effaith negyddol ar yrfaoedd prifysgol.

Mae yna hefyd rwystrau sylweddol i helpu rhywun sydd mewn perygl cynyddol o ladd eu hunain - methu adnabod yr arwyddion, ddim yn gwybod beth i'w ddweud, ofn gwneud pethau'n waeth a ddim yn gwybod sut i helpu  - mae’r rhain yn aml yn cael eu crybwyll fel rhesymau pam na wnaeth rhywun weithredu.

Dewch i'r gweithdy rhyngweithiol tair-awr hwn sy'n addysgu'r rheiny sy’n cymryd rhan ynglyn â’r camau ymarferol i'w cymryd i leihau'r risg o hunanladdiad, yn eu bywydau eu hunain ac yn achos cyd-fyfyrwyr, aelodau o'r teulu a ffrindiau. Darperir canllawiau ar gyfer adnabod yr arwyddion y gallai rhywun fod mewn perygl, a chyflwynir model sy'n helpu cyfranogwyr i ddilyn proses risg isel i helpu eu hunain ac eraill. Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn helpu i leihau'r stigma sy'n perthyn i hunanladdiad drwy hwyluso trafodaethau agored. 

Byddai 99% o’r myfyrwyr prifysgol sydd wedi mynychu'r hyfforddiant hwn yn ei argymell i gyd-fyfyrwyr.

Mae'r gweithdy hwn yn rhan o gais llwyddiannus gan Undeb y Myfyrwyr i Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol i gyflwyno Hyfforddiant Sgiliau Atal Hunanladdiad a Gwydnwch ar draws y campws.

Cynhyrchir a chyflwynir y gweithdy hwn gan Two Roads CIC sydd â phrofiad helaeth o gyflwyno mewn lleoliadau gan gynnwys addysg uwch, ysgolion, y gymuned leol a'r heddlu.


2pm-5pm Wednesday 3rd April

Meeting Room 1, Students’ Union Building

Three quarters of all people who end their own lives are not in contact with mental health services or support within the year leading up to their death. There are many barriers to asking for help - including fear of rejection, not knowing how to access appropriate help, fear of the consequences on personal relationships and the negative impact on university careers.

There are also substantial barriers to helping someone at increased risk of suicide - not identifying the signs, not knowing what to say, fear of making things worse and not knowing how to help are often mentioned as reasons why someone didn't take action.

Come to this three-hour interactive workshop which teaches participants the practical actions to take to reduce the risk of suicide in themselves and fellow students, family members and friends. Guidance will be provided on signs to look out for that someone may be at risk and you will be introduced to a model that helps participants follow a low risk process to help themselves and others. This workshop will help to reduce the stigma that surrounds suicide by facilitating open discussions. 

99% of university students that have attended this training would recommend it to fellow students.

This workshop is part of a successful Students’ Union funding bid to the National Lottery Community Fund to introduce Suicide Prevention and Resilience Skills Training across campus.

This workshop is produced and delivered by Two Roads CIC who have extensive experience of delivery in settings including higher education, schools, local community and the police.