Molly’s Blog – Peer Mentoring Policy Update

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Earlier this term I spoke at the AberSU Celebrates Staff and Students Awards about the importance of Peer Mentoring at Aberystwyth, and as an update on our ‘Peer Mentoring for All’ Policy that was passed in 2016; below is an excerpt of my speech.

“Yet again it’s been an incredible year for mentoring, and such amazing developments have been made since its launch across the University in 2015-2016. From early adopters such as Psychology and Education, to schemes now being put in place across all Departments, with around 200 student volunteers ready to support new and establishded students during their time in Aberystwyth.

In May 2018, around 170 departmental peer mentors underwent induction training, and this number was expanded in September 2018, encouraging more and more Welsh speaking students to take part and support their fellow students in their first language.

Over the past year, not only have Student Support and departments managed to recruit around 200 students, but Student Support have managed to produce and develop handbooks for peer mentors which can be revised within departments to add their own specific training. They’ve developed a SharePoint resource page for Departmental Mentoring Coordinators, a Blackboard page for mentors and have worked closely with the Students’ Union to create a Peer Mentoring Conference to review the process for our students and to help make those resources appropriate and usable.”

And so with much work already done, colleagues continue to review and develop training, supporting resources and recognition, while also looking how best to support peer mentoring at Aberystwyth in the future.

The Wellbeing Officer continues to be involved in these discussions, and going forward will raise issues and seek feedback through the Wellbeing Zone and Volunteer Officers.

And if you have always considered being a mentor, but never made the leap to do so, consider speaking to your Departmental Coordinator - they are always looking for willing volunteers!

Further information and updates on passed policy can be found on the policy section of our website.
