Molly's Advice for Freshers

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It’s here! And relax. This is legit, my favourite time of the year (not least because my birthday ALWAYS falls in freshers' week)! It’s the time of year when friends become best friends, you get all of the free stuff at freshers' fair and the drinks around town seem ridiculously cheap…

So to help you get through I’ve got together a top tips list of what to do around fresher’s and a little bit afterwards!

Making Friends!

1. Keep your door open – people always say this one, but it really does make all the difference. It might seem scary to some but keep your chin up and get through these 2 weeks and you’ll come out stronger because of it!

2. Cook at least 1 thing every day around midday – it gets you into the kitchen and talking to people but also gives you something to do (and you get food out of it so win win!)

3. Meet at least 1 person from your course before lectures if possible – you’ll never sit alone again!

What to do in fresher’s week (and afterwards)

1. Be careful what you drink – Honestly, I don’t remember my first fresher’s (or my second) but sometimes we have to accept that being that drunk isn’t okay. Careful of your intake during the week and look after yourself, plenty of food after nights out and water to keep you hydrated!

2. Eat well – I know that with most people this is your first time away from home and honestly it’s a little terrifying but just make sure you’re eating well over the week (that does not mean a pot-noodle every day). Good food can come cheap so get yourselves over to Morrisons on the bus and get some veg into your fridge (and eat it!)

3. Fresher’s flu will get you – You’re in an environment that breeds new bacteria, so stock up on ibuprofen and look after your bodies; the more you drink, the worse you’ll feel. Trust me. I did that for 6 months. I think I decended to a new level of dead that year.


I remember fresher’s being one of the best times, and I want you to have that too so get yourselves out there and have some fun. Whether that’s meeting new people and having a drink, or driving out to Borth to have fish and chips on a different seafront, there’s something for everyone here in Aber. Personally, I just can’t wait to have my friends back, because it’s true what they say, the friends you make here will be with you for life. And you also might not leave. So get comfortable!


Have a good year chickas!

Muchos love <3
