In Focus – Part-time Officers Part 1

Today we move onto the first of two articles looking at some of the part-time positions available in the forthcoming elections.

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Today we move onto the first of two articles looking at some of the part-time positions available in the forthcoming elections.

The first position we look at is the Union Chairperson who is responsible for the running of Union Council. You will work with other officers to actively promote Union Council meetings ensuring debates are fair, open, and that any decisions made are transparent and democratic.

Next up the Welsh Language Officer who represents Welsh speaking student son campus and ensures that the Welsh language is at the heart of the union. Working with other officers and organisations, you will campaign on issues relating to Welsh culture and ensure the views of Welsh speaking students are considered.

Alternative you could become the Environment and Sustainability Officer who represents students and campaigns on issues relating to the environment, and sustainable development. Working with other officers, organisations and students you will ensure the Union and University improves the environmental impact of its work.

Finally, today you may want to consider standing for RAG Officer who represents students on issues relating to charitable activity. You work with clubs and societies where appropriate to co-ordinate activity and advising the Union on ways in which it can improve the impact of its work.

If you want to stand for any of the above positions visit or email
