Council Tax win for Aberystwyth students…

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Until recently, some undergraduate students and many postgraduate students were not supported with council tax exemption because they were not deemed to be classed as “full time” students. The complication was over how council tax regulations should be interpreted and applied. 

AberSU is student led organisation representing over 8,000 students at Aberystwyth. Officers are elected by the student body each year to develop the student experience & represent students’ interests to the university and beyond.

By representing its’ students’ interests, Aber SU has successfully lobbied Aberystwyth University to revise its application of the regulations by working in partnership with NASMA and the NUS.

The key beneficiaries following these changes will be undergraduate students taking time out due to illness or re-taking exams and postgraduate MPhil students during write up of their thesis. 

AberSU President, Lauren Marks, states:

“This revision will save Aber students thousands of pounds of council tax bills; it is a great win for Aberystwyth students and a testament to how collaborative campaigning can make a real difference”.

