AberSU officer roles refresh

Following a long consultation period regarding AberSU student officer roles, we’re introducing improvements to make the officer roles relevant for students and reflect the current needs of Aber students.

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Following a long consultation period regarding AberSU student officer roles, we’re introducing improvements to make the officer roles relevant for students and reflect the current needs of Aber students.

All formal structures have been consulted during the process, from AberSU Trustees to University committees, and students have had a voice in order to decide what AberSU’s officer roles and priorities should be moving forward.

The result of the Officer Role Review is to maintain 5 full time officers with slightly different role titles and refreshed job descriptions:

1. Union Development

This role reflects the beginning of a new chapter for the Union by focussing on making the Union better for the future and making sure the student voice is heard.

2. Student Opportunities

This role focuses on giving Aber students the best student journey possible and giving them more than just a degree.

3. Wellbeing

This role focuses on making sure our students are happy and healthy.

4. Academic Affairs

This role focuses on promoting our students’ academic interests.

5. Welsh Culture & UMCA President

This role focuses on promoting Welsh culture giving Aber students the opportunity to learn, speak and live the language.

The officer role review also identified improvements to the part time officer roles available in order to create more opportunities for students to be heard:

1. Raising and Giving (RAG) Officer

2. Union Chairperson

3. Environment & Sustainability Officer

4. Welsh Language Officer

5. Mature Students Officer

6. Postgraduate Students Officer

7. International Students Officer

8. Black, Asian, & Minority Ethnic Officer (BAME)

9. LGBTQ+ Officer

10. Women’s Officer

11. Disabled Students Officer

12. Llanbadarn Campus Officer

13. Mauritius Campus Officer

The new officer structure would be supported by student zones to represent the voice of Aber students who engage in specific areas i.e wellbeing, sports and societies. These zones will open up more opportunity for students to be heard and for more students to be involved.

These changes reflect AberSU’s new strategy and focus to the fundamentals of what a Students’ Union should be; providing for and supporting its students.

AberSU President Lauren Marks is “really excited about the new roles which tie in well with the Union’s new focus and strategy. I hope Aber students are passionate about taking the Union forward and chose to stand for Election; making the Elections bigger and better than ever.”

If you have any questions regarding the new roles and their priorities or if you’re interested in running for any of the officer positions please e-mail union@aber.ac.uk.
