Womens Football





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A friendly, successful club that embodies the term Work Hard, Play Hard! Everybody is welcome to become part of AUWFC






All abilities are welcome here at AUWFC, we welcome new players with and without experience in football.

Not only will you get fit but you will boost your social life massively, joining us will be the best decision you've made second to choosing Aber Uni.

We are a hard-working successful team but we make time off the pitch to have fun on our social nights that you won't ever want to miss!! 

It's not all football, throughout the year we participate in events such as; Superteams, Rugby 7's, Varsity and RAG charity fundraisers! Although we are a competitive club joining in these events is always incredibly fun and perfect for team bonding that creates a brilliant supportive network!


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Futsal 7s: Details

Raising money for Diabetes UK!

Date of Event: November 23, 2024

Time of Event: 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Location of Event: Aberystwyth University Sports Cage

Deadline to sign up: November 18th, 2024

Futsal 7s: Prices

£5 per person to play (£35 per team)

£3 per person to watch

Futsal 7s: Rules

1. Each team will be composed of 7 people, 5 on the court and 2 subs

2. The event will be coed, with a requirement of 3 girls minimum per team

3. There can be no more than 4 people on one team who play for women's football, men's futsal, or men's football, and no more than 3 can be on the court at the same time

4. To sign up for Futsal 7s, one member from each team must email Jamicen Boyd (jeb91@aber.ac.uk) the team name and the names of every team member

5. Each team will pay at the door of the event (either as a team or individually) - cash and card will be accepted

6. During the game, at least two girls from each team must be on the court 

7. Each game will be 14 minutes long, consisting of two 7 minute halves

8. The event will be tournament style, with a guarantee of 3 games for each team




Monday’s @ 8:00 pm - 9:30pm Astro

Friday’s @ 4:00 pm - 5:00pm Astro


BUCS league every Wednesday

Ceredigion league every Sunday

Social Nights

Every Wednesday @ 8 pm we head out in our best fancy dress with a different theme each week to all the best bars and pubs Aber has to offer to play plenty of games in each, it's a great way to get to know everyone off the pitch, celebrate our wins and make the best memories so don't miss out!! We'll also go to meals, host film and games nights together so there'll be something for everyone.

Recent Achievements

Central Wales cup runners up 2018, 2019

Ceredigion league cup runners up 2018, 2019

Ceredigion league winners 2016, 2017

Ceredigion league cup winners 2016, 2018

Superteams winners 2016, 2017, 2018, 2024

Rugby 7s winners 2013, 2019, 2023

Superteams runners up 2022, 2023

Rugby 7s runners up 2022, 2024

Varsity Winners 2024

Committee 2024/25

President Jamicen Boyd (jeb91@aber.ac.uk)

Secretary Lily McLoughlin (lim60@aber.ac.uk)

Treasurer Aoife Onraet (aoo15@aber.ac.uk)

Social Secretary Maria Parcesepe 

Social Secretary Georgia Harris

Captain Menna Jones (mej75@aber.ac.uk)

Vice-Captain Millie Sigsworth 

Vice-Captain Faith Swain

Kit Manager Evie Nicholls 

Well-Being Officer Annie Ball


FACEBOOK @Aberystwythuniversitywomensfootballclub 

TWITTER @auwfc15

INSTAGRAM @aberuniwfc

We look forward to welcoming you into our squad!


National Governing Bodies

British Football University Rules

FA Wales Rules & Regulations

Welsh Football Webpage


Inclusivity Statement: Aberystwyth University Women's Football Club is dedicated to the inclusion and acceptance of all members regardless of age, race, ethnicity, ability, culture or nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status and marital status.


Core Documents:


Code of Conduct

Risk Assessment

Equipment List



Rydym yn croesawu menywod o bob gallu yma yn AUWFC, rydym yn croesawu chwaraewyr newydd sydd â phrofiad o chwarae pêl-droed a’r rhai sydd heb brofiad.

Byddwch yn cadw’n heini ond hefyd yn hybu eich bywyd cymdeithasol. Ymuno â ni fydd y penderfyniad gorau a wnewch, ar wahân i ddewis dod i Brifysgol Aber.

Rydym yn dîm llwyddiannus sy’n gweithio’n galed, ond rydym yn sicrhau amser oddi ar y cae i gael hwyl ar ein nosweithiau cymdeithasol na fyddwch eisiau eu methu!! 

Nid pêl-droed yw popeth, trwy gydol y flwyddyn rydym yn cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau megis; Archdimau, Rygbi 7 bob ochr, Rhyng-golegol a digwyddiadau codi arian RAG! Er ein bod yn dîm cystadleuol mae ymuno yn y digwyddiadau hyn bob amser yn hwyl ac yn berffaith i ddod â’r tîm at ei gilydd. Mae’n creu rhwydwaith arbennig o gefnogaeth!



Dydd Llun @ 8:00 yh Astro (3G)

Dydd Gwener @ 5:00 yh Astro (3G) 


Cynghrair BUCS bob dydd Mercher

Cynghrair Ceredigion bob dydd Sul


Nosweithiau Cymdeithasol

Bob nos Fercher am 8yh rydym yn mynd allan i’r barau a’r tafarndai gorau yn Aber yn ein gwisg ffansi, gyda thema wahanol bob wythnos. Byddwn yn chwarae digonedd o gemau ym mhob un, ac mae’n ffordd wych o ddod i adnabod pawb oddi ar y cae, dathlu ein llwyddiant a gwneud atgofion gwerth chweil!!


Cyflawniadau Diweddar

Ail Cwpan Canolbarth Cymru 2018, 2019

Yn ail yng nghwpan cynghrair Ceredigion 2018, 2019

Enillwyr cynghrair Ceredigion 2016,2017

Enillwyr cwpan cynghrair Ceredigion 2016,2018

Enillwyr Superteams 2016, 2017, 2018, 2024

Enillwyr Rygbi 7s 2013, 2019, 2023

Ail yn Superteams 2022, 2023

Ail yn Rygbi 7s 2022, 2024

Ennillwyr Varsity 2024


Pwyllgor 2024/25

Llywydd: Jamicen Boyd
Ysgrifennydd: Lily McLoughlin
Trysorydd: Aoife Onraet
Ysgrifennydd Cymdeithasol Maria Parcesepe
Ysgrifennydd Cymdeithasol Georgia Harris
Capten: Menna Jones (mej75@aber.ac.uk)
Is-gapten: Millie Sigsworth
Is-gapten: Faith Swain
Swyddog iles: Annie Ball
Rheolwr y cit: Evie Nicholls




DILYNWCH NI AR FACEBOOK @Aberystwythuniversitywomensfootballclub 

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich croesawu i’n sgwad!


Cod Ymddygiad

Asesiad Risg

Rhestr Cyfarpar

Sat 23rd November

Futsal 7s
9am - 2:30pm
Aberystwyth Sports Cage
Fun, exciting futsal tournament to raise money for Diabetes UK! Only £5 per person!

Sat 30th November

Monday Training
8pm - 9:30pm
Aberystwyth University Astro
Football Training for BUCS
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