Staff/Officer Protocol


The Staff/Officer Protocol outlines the relationship between the elected Officers and staff.It is important that the accountability relationship is respected, particularly when commenting on performance or work in public. These principles should be applied in all appropriate settings.


It is important that a constructive day to day working relationship or effective communication between Officers and staff is maintained. To this end, both Officers and staff are expected to uphold the principles of appropriate accountability within a culture of mutual support and respect. 


An Officer of the Union shall be defined as a full time students 'officer, trustees and representatives of the union, and members of all Students’ Union representative bodies.


Staff members of the Union shall be defined as staff, managers, temporary staff, contractors, and volunteers under obligation of the Union, at all settings when engaged in work on behalf of the Union. 


The Staff/Officer protocol outlines how concerns or issues that staff and students may raise about each other should be managed.



AberSU has as its principle purpose the provision of support and opportunities for students at Aberystwyth University to experience education in the widest sense. To this end ABERSU is structured as a collective, self-governing organisation. Central to the resources of the Union are the employed staff who provide for continuity, professional advice, managerial expertise and the day-to-day operation and implementation of policy. The purpose of this protocol is to clarify the relationships between students, their elected representatives and staff.


While each staff members will wish to establish their own particular working relationships, this written agreement, together with other agreements and contracts between staff and ABERSU, will be recognised as contractual in the event of any dispute.


The CEO shall ensure that every Member of Staff and the Officer Group is issued with a copy of this protocol.


The terms of this protocol will apply to all staff irrespective of their position in the organisation and their status as a member/or not of a Trades Union.


Any breach of this protocol will be considered as a serious disciplinary matter.




The intention of this protocol is to ensure that the ABERSU shall:


  • Comply with all Employment and Employment Protection Acts currently in force.
  • Empower the ABERSU Trustee Board to act with the full authority of the sovereign body of the Students' Union as the Employing Committee of ABERSU.
  • Protect the individual employee from breaches of confidentiality in respect of personal affairs and to ensure that contractual matters are dealt with only by the Trustee Board.
  • To protect ABERSU from any interference in the conduct of its policy-making by employees.
  • To be committed to the effective implementation of an Equal Opportunities Policy.
  •  Maintain sound employment practices and good staff relations.



In this document, the following definitions apply:


“Political Policy” is policy that is developed and approved by the elected officers through the democratic structures. E.g. affiliation to NUS, zero tolerance of sexual harassment in our Union.


“Policies” are documents, such as this one, largely developed by staff, which provide frameworks and procedures for the day-to-day operations of the organisation e.g. Disciplinary Policy, Health & Safety Policy.


“Staff” are individuals or groups of individuals who are employed by ABERSU.


“Student Staff” are students at Aberystwyth University who are working during their period of study, but whose primary purpose at the University is as a student. Permanent staff who have chosen to undertake a course to complement their work will not normally be regarded as student staff.


The distinction between “Staff” and “Student Staff” in this document exists to provide guidance on issues of conflicting priorities. In the event of confusion as to the status of an individual staff member, guidance from the Trustees Board will be sought.



Staffing matters and elected officers

Elected officers provide political leadership to the organisation, defining political policy through democratic means. They represent the members of ABERSU and work closely with staff to ensure that the operations of the Union, particularly those within an officer’s portfolio, cater for, and are responsive to, the needs of the membership.


AberSU management shall take responsibility for ensuring that organisational direction is informed and influenced by the political agendas of elected officers.


In many instances, elected officers (in particular, but not exclusively, full time officers) work closely with staff members. Staff members and officers are expected to invest time and effort to ensure that productive working relationships are developed. Broadly, however, the work of staff is to be directed by the management structure, and Elected Officers’ impact on the day-to-day work of staff should be limited to the development of political policy, discussions within the Trustee Board for Officer Trustees, and discussions with ABERSU managers.


Courtesy between Officers and Staff is expected at all times and Officers will never instruct Staff without observing the requirements of the Line Management Structure.


Relationships of an intimate nature between staff and officers should be avoided. When a relationship of this nature arises, it should be disclosed to a manager or Trustee to protect all involved from accusations or perceptions related to conflicts of interest.


The Trustee Board and its relevant committees, will be the only body with elected representatives empowered to discuss individual staff members, and to discuss matters relating to recruitment, appointment, remuneration and terms and conditions of staff.


All employee related discussions at Trustee Board shall be held in private and there shall be no published minutes of such discussions. The CEO will keep a written confidential record that will be countersigned by the Chair of the Trustee Board as being a true and accurate record of such discussions.


The elected officers of the Union should actively ensure that discussions on individual staff members, on conduct, performance, recruitment and of terms and conditions do not take place:

  • In University or external media
  • On online fora or websites
  • In formal and informal union meetings
  • With union members


AberSU Trustee Board and its sub-committees shall be responsible for staff matters. The membership of the Trustee Board shall be as specified in the ABERSU constitution and shall be serviced by the CEO. The Trustee Board shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and its supporting Bye-laws and the policy of ABERSU.


Responsibilities of Staff

Staff members are expected to advise elected Officers of the Students' Union on any matter that is within their area of work, but shall not seek in any other way to influence the policy-making process.


The President shall be the public face of ABERSU, particularly in regard to relationships with, and any statements to, the press.


Staff may not take part in any public discussion of ABERSU policy, nor give public expression to views contrary to ABERSU policies, including:

  • In University or external media
  • On online fora or websites
  • In formal and informal Union meetings


Staff members should actively ensure that discussions on individual Students’ Union Officers, on conduct, performance, recruitment and of terms and conditions do not take place:

  • In University or external media
  • On online fora or websites
  • In formal and informal union meetings
  • With Union members


Staff may not seek to influence the outcome of the democratic processes of the Union, though they may contribute to the administration and fair operation of such processes. Staff will respect the student-led nature of SU political discussions, activities and events but are expected to be enthusiastic advocates for the SU as a democratic organisation. Staff clearly work in a political environment and it is important that student officers recognise this and the responsibility of staff to encourage and enable participation, without having any stake in the outcome.


Staff may not show support by the wearing of badges or the display of any campaign literature relating to any internal or external elections.


Unless defined as “Student Staff” in accordance with Section 3 above, the responsibilities and restrictions placed on staff members shall override the privileges of Union membership.


In practice:

•          Staff members cannot participate in democratic meetings.

•          Staff members should not stand or vote in any Union elections.


Staff may not be members nor participate in the activities of clubs and societies that give expression to political views or opinions that may undermine the roles of elected officers within ABERSU.


Staff will develop professional working relationships with personnel from the University. At all times care needs to be taken not to compromise ABERSU on issues concerning elected officers or any other member of ABERSU staff.


The CEO is the designated senior staff member with responsibility for servicing and attending Trustee Board meetings and employed to provide professional advice and continuity in the organisation’s affairs.


The CEO will be in attendance at all meetings of Trustee Board. When such discussions directly relate to the CEO they will be asked to leave the meeting.


The CEO, after consultation with the Union President, may appoint a nominee to attend a meeting in their place. Staff may not exercise a vote in any meeting organised under the auspices of the ABERSU Constitution.




Student Staff

Student staff may be employed by ABERSU to carry out specific duties within ABERSU’s employment structure. The procedures for the recruitment and selection of such staff shall be determined by the Trustee Board.


Student Staff shall enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership, save for any restriction placed on that staff member whilst on duty.

In particular:

  • Student Staff may not campaign on an issue or in an election whilst on duty for ABERSU.
  • The points relating to staff above apply to Student Staff whilst on duty or acting as a staff member.


Student Staff are permitted to speak at ABERSU meetings but must not draw attention to the fact that they are members of staff and shall cover any staff uniform they may be wearing at the time.

Student staff are precluded from raising any matters in relation to their employment with ABERSU in any public forum or meeting.


Student staff may raise complaints or grievances about their employment through the line management structure and have recourse to ABERSU Grievance Procedure. The final body of appeal in serious complaints shall be the CEO and Union President.




Procedure for complaints about staff

Any individual member of ABERSU having cause for complaint or raising a grievance on a matter relating to any individual or group of staff employed by ABERSU, should, in the first instance, raise the matter informally with the Union President.


If an informal process of resolving the matter is not possible, the President shall subsequently raise the matter with the CEO who will investigate the complaint and report back to the complainant within 10 working days.


The CEO shall determine what, if any, further action is to be taken in relation to the complaint. The relevant ABERSU discipline and grievance procedures may be invoked.


Procedure for complaints by staff

Any member of staff having cause to complain about the conduct or behaviour of a student or Student Officer shall raise the matter informally and in confidence with their Line Manager.


The Line Manager will raise the matter with the Union President and inform the CEO. If an informal process of resolving the matter is not possible, the complaint shall be investigated by the President who shall decide if further action is to be taken in relation to the complaint. The President shall report their findings back to the CEO who will feed back to the staff member via the Line Manager.


Discipline and Grievance Procedures

This Agreement does not affect an employee's right to access under ABERSU disciplinary and grievance policy.