
In dealing with potential and existing members of staff, we do not take account of HIV status. We will make exceptions to this only when:

• Your performance or attendance are affected

• Your health and safety, or that or others, is at risk

We do not ask our staff to have a test for HIV. If recruiting new staff, we will not exclude anyone because of their HIV status.

During the recruitment process, an applicant may disclose their HIV infection. You should always discuss this with the CEO

If you find out about a colleague’s HIV status, please respect that person’s right to confidentiality. If you have concerns about health and safety, speak to the CEO only, and no one else, for advice.

Harassment, victimisation and discrimination relating to HIV may be subject to disciplinary action.

We will not dismiss anyone purely on the grounds of HIV infection or AIDS. Where someone’s ill health affects work performance, we treat this under our sickness procedure.