Health & Safety


The AberSU Board of Trustees is firmly committed to doing all that is reasonably practicable to protect the health, safety and welfare of our employees and any other person affected by our activities through applying the high standards set out within this policy. The Union has a legal duty to protect the health and safety of its employees and others – Any changes and developments in Health and Safety are considered by the Trustee Board as a whole. The Union has adopted a Health and Safety Policy which contains details of these responsibilities and arrangements and any allocation of duties. The CEO is responsible for implementing the policy, however, we rely on all of our employees and sub-contractors to play their part in implementing our health and safety policy and drawing to our attention, areas in which we can improve.

The co-operation of employees is crucial in effectively implementing Health and Safety Policy. Every employee is responsible for taking reasonable care of their own health and safety, as well as that of others and for co-operating with the Union in doing this. Good communication about health and safety matters should be maintained at all levels within the Union, not just by management.

The Union recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions which are safe, healthy and comply with all statutory requirements and codes of practice.

So far as is reasonably practicable, the Union will pay attention to providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, student members, contractors and visitors, as well as providing training and supervision for this purpose.

The CEO and managers will in particular take all reasonably practicable steps to: 

  • provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment including safe access arrangements and suitable welfare facilities 
  • provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely, including displaying a copy of this policy at every location and drawing the policy to the attention of new starters 
  • undertake risk assessments, implement the identified control measures and ensure that safe systems of work are applied in relation to all of our activities
  • ensure safety and the absence of risks to health in connection with the storage, handling, use and transport of articles and substances 
  • ensure that all vehicles and work equipment are suitable for purpose and properly maintained 
  • minimise the use of hazardous or dangerous substances and where their use cannot be eliminated, implement suitable controls 
  • make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise their use 
  • take steps to assess the competence of any contractor we engage and to ensure that information is exchanged on matters relevant to health and safety 
  • be prepared for emergencies such as fire and medical emergencies and investigate all incidents of injury or ill health 
  • promote a positive health and safety culture within the organisation, in particular by Directors and Managers, consulting with employees on health and safety matters, directly and through safety representatives appointed by recognised trade unions and/or elected representatives of employee safety and our health and safety committee.

The organisation is committed to ensuring that the implementation of the health and safety management system is adequately resourced to enable the full implementation of this policy. This commitment includes the provision of sufficient financial resources, management and employee time, training and health and safety advisory support and advice.

It is the responsibility of the CEO to monitor the implementation of this policy and the Students’ Union’s overall health and safety performance by receiving regular health and safety reports from and commissioning and considering the results of a health and safety audit, conducted on an annual basis and reporting to the Board accordingly.

This Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Organisation and Arrangements that support it will be reviewed at least annually or more frequently where there have been significant changes to the company or the nature of the company’s activities.

Legal Responsibilities of Staff: All AberSU employees have a legal responsibility under Section 7 of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to take reasonable care of themselves and all others who may be affected by their acts and omissions and to co-operate with AberSU and the University with regard to health & safety. All persons on University premises have a duty under Section 8 of the above Act not to interfere with or to misuse anything provided by AberSU or the University in the interests of health and safety.

Safety Co-ordinator: The CEO acts as Safety Co-ordinator for AberSU. All matters concerning health & safety should be directed to the CEO in the first instance. Accident and First Aid In the case of serious accident or illness, an ambulance should be summoned by telephone immediately. Reception and a Manager should be informed promptly to await its arrival and direct the ambulance crew to the casualty.

First Aid: There are several trained First Aiders throughout the building. Lists of First Aiders will be displayed within the Union. When an accident or illness occurs dial the Welcome Desk on 1702 and ask for the duty first aider. Give your name, location and brief details of the problem. If you suffer an accident on The Union’s premises you (or someone on your behalf) must report that fact to your manager as soon as is practicable after the event.

All accidents and near misses should be reported, however trivial, to the Chief Executive via the online Accident/incident form, which is accessible from These reports will also be forwarded on to the University Health and Safety department.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and Eye Care: AberSU is committed to implementing the requirements of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations and to that end arrange for all DSE workstations are assessed for ergonomic and other aspects of safety as required by the regulations and used in a safe manner. All DSE "users" are required to work through the DSE form available from HR within their first month of work and on moving location. Employees who habitually use VDUs as a significant part of normal work are named as 'users' under the new Display Screen Equipment Regulations.

The Students’ Union accepts that all staff who perform any of the following tasks for daily, continuous spells of an hour or more are users:

  • Word processing or desk top publishing
  • Data Input

Such users have the right to request to have an eye examination. This will be done by reimbursing you for your own eye examination. The Students’ Union will also purchase a basic pair of glasses or contribute up to £50 towards your glasses costs if corrective eyewear is necessary for the safe use of DSE.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH): All substances hazardous to health within AberSU have been assessed for risk and adequate controls put in place. No AberSU activities involve the general use of substances that are hazardous to health and where applicable risk will be assessed on a case by case basis and personal protective equipment is provided where necessary. Guidance and training on the COSHH Regulations is available from the University Health and Safety team.

Health Monitoring: No AberSU staff work in a food environment.

Housekeeping: AberSU staff work with the University to ensure that the build-up of rubbish in the Students’ Union is kept to a minimum at all times.

Induction of New staff: All new staff must have a thorough induction on health and safety within their first week of employment. Arrangements must be made to provide safety training where a need is identified.

Lifting and Moving Loads: The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 define manual handling as meaning, any transporting, supporting, lifting, putting own, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of a load by hand or bodily force. All staff whose work involves an element of manual handling will be required to attend a session on risk assessment and safe lifting. Guidance and training on manual handling is available from the University Health and Safety Team.

Lifting Guidance: No person must attempt to handle on their own a load which is excessively heavy or bulky. The same applies to items having awkward dimensions and to sheet and long rolls. It must always be possible to see the way ahead. Any mechanical handling equipment provided should be used unless the load is well within the person's capacity. Remember when lifting to always:

Face the load squarely (except when lifting wide boards which are best carried on the back).

  1. Bend the legs to get down to the load being lifted. Avoid stooping.
  2. Keep the back as straight as possible.
  3. Grip the load firmly and straighten the legs to lift the load.
  4. Never over-reach or twist the body when picking up or setting down a load.

If more than one person is lifting or carrying a load, it must be clear who the leader giving instructions is. Confused instructions lead to accidents.

When moving loads with trolleys:

  • Do not overload.
  • You should be able to manage loads comfortably and be able to manoeuvre easily and see where you are going.
  • Do not push trolleys/vehicles fast. They have no brakes and may run away from you, especially on slopes, and cause damage and/or injury. Fast movement trolleys makes excessive noise in corridors and could result in breakages.
  • Do not ride on trolleys/vehicles.
  • Report all defects promptly.

Use of Stepladders: Stepladders and steps tools must always be used to access materials on high shelves. Furniture should never be used as a substitute. Only 'Trade' rated ladders and stepladders must be purchased and used. 'Domestic' rated ladders and stepladders are never to be used in a working environment. All ladders and stepladders should be marked with an identity number, and be inspected as part of the annual safety audit. Inspections should ensure that:

  • There are no defective or missing treads.
  • Uprights are sound and the steps do not lean to any side.
  • Welded and/or bolted joints are sound.
  • Wheels where fitted are free moving and not leaning off line.

Do and don'ts advice for stepladder users

  • Do not use a makeshift stepladder.
  • Do not overreach from a stepladder - always move it.
  • When working inside a room - Do not place the stepladder where it may be struck by doors - lock the doors and put up an appropriate sign or position a colleague outside in order that the steps are not struck by opening doors.
  • When working in circulation areas or outside where the steps might be struck by vehicles or passers-by - Barriers must be erected and doors secured.
  • Do take steps out of service and report defects if noticed.
  • Do wear sound footwear.
  • Do return the stepladder to its storage place after use.
  • Do leave one hand free when ascending and descending. Health and Safety Executive guidance (GS31) on the safe use of ladders, step-ladders and trestles is available from the Safety Office.
  • Do always ensure that stepladders are placed on a level and stable surface.
  • Do have a colleague steady the bottom of tall sets of stepladders to ensure stability. Electrical Safety All Portable Electrical Appliances are PAT tested annually. In addition, should staff suspect any item of mains powered electrical equipment of being defective because of age, appearance or damage it must be taken out of service and reported to their Manager or the CEO who will arrange for the item to be visually inspected and electrically tested as necessary.

Purchasing arrangements: The University has a list of registered and reputable contractors and suppliers that undertake AberSU work. Reviews and checks are conducted on any contractors or suppliers outside of that list. Record keeping: Where necessary, safety inspection reports, risk assessments, EHO reports, wastage and temperature listings are kept in the Porters Office or on the shared drive.

Risk Assessment: No work outside the scope of this document will be permitted to start unless it is covered by a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks involved in the work as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. The University Health and Safety Team and relevant professional bodies can provide advice on Risk Assessment.

Supervision of Trainees: Supervisors of trainees have a special responsibility to ensure that fully adequate instructions, even those perhaps seemingly obvious or elementary, are given to their charges to protect them from danger. The need for detailed instruction and close supervision of students and trainees is especially important in practical work. It is not sufficient for a supervisor to assume that an act or manoeuvre is so manifestly dangerous that no-one would attempt it. In return trainees are required to observe instructions given by staff and to take reasonable care to ensure that their acts or omissions do not result in injury to themselves or others.

Annual Inspection: Each year, by the start of the new academic year AberSU will conduct a full health and safety inspection of the building in partnership with the University Health and Safety Officer. A report on the inspection submitted to the Board of Trustees.

Review: This safety policy statement and any associated codes of practice will be updated annually or more often if necessary.

Fire Safety: Instructions concerning procedure in the case of fire are prominently displayed at strategic points around AberSU. Staff should familiarise themselves with these procedures and also with the escape routes in all other areas of the University that they visit. On hearing the fire alarm staff will direct any students and visitors to the nearest exits. The University Duty Attendant is in charge of implementing the Students’ Union’s emergency evacuation procedures and may issue instructions to and request assistance from other members of staff.

Fire Evacuation: On Discovering a Fire: Raise the alarm by breaking the glass on the nearest Fire Alarm Call point.

  • Call Security on 01970 6226490 (24/7) and, if you feel it necessary, call 999. Anyone can do this – don’t presume someone else has - you won’t be criticised for doing so.
  • Leave by the nearest available exit and go to the nearest assembly point. NEVER USE A LIFT.
  • On Hearing a Fire Alarm: ALWAYS ACT AS IF IT IS A REAL FIRE.
  • Only stop to take personal belongings with you if it is absolutely safe to do so and does not hinder your evacuation.
  • If visitors and students are present, encourage them to leave also.
  • Evacuate the building by your nearest available exit and proceed to the assembly point.
  • Do not use the lift - If the power fails you will be trapped!
  • Staff should ensure that tills and areas where there are cash or goods at hand are locked prior to leaving the building.
  • University Security will be responsible for sweeping the buildings. Staff must obey instructions from the University Security as required and on no account should you leave the assembly point or re-enter the building until Security staff have given such clearance. Staff should liaise with Security to ensure that they re-enter the building first, before students and visitors.
  • Where necessary and appropriately cited, staff will be trained in the use of fire extinguishers, in the event that they have no means of escape.

Violence and Aggression: We do not tolerate violence or aggression of any kind. This includes physical and verbal abuse, threats and assault. If you find yourself in such a position, you should try to get out of the situation wherever possible. We will not hold you responsible for the outcome where you have acted in good faith and with appropriate professional judgement in circumstances you could not have foreseen, prevented or controlled. We can only control aggression and violence with the support of our staff. All staff should do risk assessments to identify potential problems and plan training and procedures accordingly. You should report any violent incident through our incident reporting system and managers should notify the CEO. Monthly monitoring should keep track of the effectiveness of our policies and procedures. Normally, any periods you have to take off as a result of violence or aggression will not count against your sickness entitlement.