
It is our mission to ensure all Aberystwyth students love student life and feel empowered.

The diversity of our student body means that there are a variety of challenges that some of our students face in everyday life.

We acknowledge the existence and impact of these barriers and help students run campaigns to combat these challenges. These focus on empowerment, education and creating genuine change.

Our campaigns are led first and foremost by students, supported by Full-Time and Volunteer Officers who are elected to represent and campaign on specific issues. 

Looking to start your own campaign? Check out our Campaigns Hub here.

Union Campaigns:



National Campaigns: 



The liberation movement campaigns for equal rights and access for groups of people who face prejudice, inequality, exclusion, and barriers.

AberSU has elected Officers who collect feedback, organise events and campaign on behalf of students that self-identify within these groups:

  • Women
  • LGBTQ+
  • Disabled
  • Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic

Your Volunteer Officers are elected represent these groups and all self-identify within the group they represent. To find out who represents you click here.




Sections refers to groups of students that can go through University differently depending on their age, study mode or nationality.

AberSU has elected officers to collect feedback and organise events and campaigns on behalf of students that self-define within these groups:

  • International
  • Mature (Commenced University after the age of 21)
  • Postgraduate
  • Welsh Speakers
  • Independent (this is an umbrella term that includes care-leavers, estranged students, refugees, young carers and/or parents in education.)

Your Volunteer Officers are elected represent these groups and all self-identify within the group they represent. To find out who represents you click here.


Other campaigns


Because our campaigns are put forward and run by students, there can be a huge variety of ideas on the table! Supported by the elected officers, students run campaigns in the areas of:

  • RAG (Raising and Giving) charitable fundraising
  • Environment and Sustainability

Click here to read more about the work of our Officers and their campaigns. 



If you have an idea for a new campaign get in touch!

Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator  /