Reintroducing Undeb Aberystwyth…

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AberSU Celebrates is THE perfect opportunity to celebrate all things related to Aberystwyth students.

Throughout this week we have promised to share stories, wins and impacts from what you, our Aber students, have been involved in during the 2023-2024 academic year; we will be celebrating these one AberSU promise at a time. 

This year we will kickstart the week of celebrations by unveiling “Undeb Aberystwyth”; your Students’ Union.

In case you missed the news a couple of weeks ago, here is a link to the story of how we become Undeb Aberystwyth …

Aberystwyth University Students’ Union proudly becomes Undeb Aberystwyth (

In short, Aberystwyth students voted to change the name of Aberystwyth University Students’ Union (or AberSU) at the “Big Meeting” on Monday 4th of March, and today it is our pleasure to officially introduce you to “Undeb Aberystwyth”.

This change is an important milestone in the Union’s history and shows our commitment to the Welsh language and today we start the journey to changing over the range of channels, documents, logo and official registration of the organisation to reflect the historic name change, and we hope to be fully recognised as Undeb Aberystwyth as soon as possible.


Yes, this does mean that AberSU Celebrates will need a slight ‘rebrand’ in the future but for this year enjoy AberSU Celebrates 2024 and please do share photos, stories and wins all over the range of social channels online.


#UMAberynDathlu #AberSUCelebrates