Students, Money & Mental Health

Are you having trouble coping with stress or related money worries?  If you answered ‘yes’ – we’d like to hear from you!

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Are you having trouble coping with stress or related money worries?  If you answered ‘yes’ – we’d like to hear from you!

National Student Money Week 2016 runs from 8th to 12th February this year.  Every year we run local Aber-based campaigns to help students cope better with money matters and this year’s campaign is themed around ‘Students, Money and Mental Health’.  We want to ensure that we are supporting our students as best we can, and we are therefore encouraging you to take part in this completely anonymous survey which is running until 22nd January 2016 throughout UK based universities. 

We will be sharing the results and your top tips throughout Student Money Week in bite-size format.  Keep an eye out on social media channels to find out more closer to the time.  Link below:

If you have any questions or concerns about your finances or wellbeing, Aber SU Advice centre is here for you.  Please click here to contact us for more details.”
